Latest TV Shows2023-11-28T16:35:46-08:00

Connie Bryan’s Indie Rock Single “SUMMER IN STOCKTON”

I wrote this song after I moved to Northern California…It’s about trying to make it in the music business in the middle of a very intense heat wave during Summer in Stockton, all while being overcome with the same intense level of loneliness over missing someone you love. TURN UP THE VOLUME, this song has great energy!

The Connie Bryan Show November 2023: “LIES OF CONTROL”

The November 2023 edition of ‘The Connie Bryan Show’ begins with Connie’s very funny talk radio sketch and impersonation of late night talk radio legend ‘Art Bell’ hammering Starbucks for their recent unlawful firing of employees who tried to start a union…followed by PART ONE in Connie’s new special series ‘LIES OF CONTROL’…Among many other powerful & hard hitting topics exposing the massive corruption of Google, Amazon and Big Tech in general, Connie gets very personal as she talks about her new book ‘Holy Libel’, and the shocking dishonest targeting of her book by Amazon, blocking her from advertising it on the platform. To close the show, Connie shows shocking evidence of a leaked internal Google training video admitting the artificial intel algorithms they are perfecting in not just predicting users’ behavior, but actually CONTROLLING users’ thinking and behavior, which they actually refer to as ‘BEHAVIORAL SEQUENCING’. This is the real ‘MUST SEE TV’.

The Connie Bryan Show 20th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL October 2023

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of ‘The Connie Bryan Show’, Connie features a very entertaining two decade montage of a lot of her comedy impersonations, sketches, standup, and the powerful segment when she detailed WHY she has produced the show all these years…And in honor of her 20th Anniversary, Connie debuts her impersonation of one of her biggest comedy and broadcasting influences, one of the KINGS of Late Night Television, DAVID LETTERMAN!

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