8 02, 2016


By |2016-02-08T22:16:46-08:00February 8th, 2016|Politics|0 Comments

"On the messy topic of BOTH Hillary and Trump...During this election cycle, we are constantly hearing the term being thrown around on both sides about the "establishment". And I want to point out something very important on this topic that I haven't heard anyone else talking about... 'Establishment candidates' are only a problem because of 'ESTABLISHMENT VOTERS!' And make no mistake, 'LOW INFORMATION VOTERS' (along with their second cousins the 'LOW CHARACTER VOTERS') are just as dangerous to our American democracy. Please let that sink in for a second before reading on."

5 02, 2016

Trump & Mob History: Unvetted by Media

By |2016-02-05T21:10:31-08:00February 5th, 2016|Politics|0 Comments

"When you Google "Trump and the Mafia" you will find many facts, articles and reports discussing questions about Donald Trump's close business involvement with organized crime families in New York while he was building his "brand". That said, DID YOU KNOW THIS BEFORE YOU READ IT HERE ON MY BLOG POST? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Answer: Because this whole "campaign" for President by Trump is gladly being handled by the media entirely as an entertaining "reality show" INSTEAD of real journalism and real news, in the interest of a big ratings boost for them, which does a horrendous disservice to our country, and more specifically to you the American viewer who still largely depends on the mainstream media for such information and vetting of your Presidential candidates."

17 09, 2015

Climate Change Should Be Litmus Test for Election 2016

By |2015-09-17T22:19:15-07:00September 17th, 2015|Climate Change, ecology, Politics, science|0 Comments

"Ms. Fiorina referred to the projected cost of trillions of dollars. (Keep in mind this is a cost to be shared globally). Are you aware that cost of the war in Iraq alone has well exceeded a TRILLION dollars? Are you aware that this is also the case with the ongoing war in Afghanistan? It also has well exceeded the cost of a TRILLION dollars. Are we so irresponsible that we are going to be OK with wasting that amount of money on such unjustifiable military campaigns, and then sarcastically scoff at such an expense that the vast majority of worldwide scientists agree is necessary to begin healing the pollution and damage we are causing to our planet, its oceans and its ecology?"

21 10, 2010


By |2010-10-21T07:32:12-07:00October 21st, 2010|Politics|0 Comments

We overlook the following truth at our peril as Americans: Super corporations can be much more tyrannical than government. Therefore it is not anti-capitalism to suggest they be limited or ‘regulated’. Such a necessary common sense economic policy is NOT ‘socialism’, but merely PROTECTING free enterprise for all, not just for the elite...

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