24 12, 2018


By |2018-12-24T20:56:50-08:00December 24th, 2018|spirituality, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Enough with the many lies of Christianity, lies that pollute and stand in the way of understanding real spiritual truth, real healing and real forgiveness that has NO element of condemnation. Lies by men, fraudulently masquerading as "God's Word", that create a horribly harmful block to waking up to our ONENESS WITH GOD, all of us in all our diversity, being a HOLY PART OF what "God" is, not separate in any way from what is Divine...The date of Jesus’ birth is, as I said above, only yet another of many such examples of this dishonest fraudulent practice that is the origin of the ‘Christian myth’…That is what Christianity is, only a theft of age old widely held myths of much older cultures, that were co-opted and deliberately plagiarized for the purpose of controlling the masses by the founders of the Roman Catholic church."

16 11, 2015

Man-Made Religious Ideology Not Just Problem with Islam

By |2015-11-16T22:40:34-08:00November 16th, 2015|culture, Politics|0 Comments

"We can't ignore that WE, the United States, largely fueled by a Conservative presidency at the time (George W. Bush) and his Christian and Jewish constituency and advisers, continued a long legacy of undermining and attacking Islam...specifically Iraq and Afghanistan. Our actions were the metaphorical equivalent of your child being stung by a couple of hornets, and you get so angry that you decide to take a broomstick and SWAT the hornet's nest a dozen times. After doing so, you hypocritically exclaim to all your neighbors' horribly stung children that you did so because it was time to "BRING IT ON", etc.(The words George W. Bush famously said after our invasion of Iraq)"

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