This Fourth of July, I’d like you to imagine the following ‘WHAT IF’:

What if freedom in America REQUIRED that you pledge allegiance to Christianity (or for that matter, you could insert Islam or Judaism)…But since we still have so many on the Conservative Right who go around trying to say our nation is a ‘Christian’ nation, let’s go with that for my imagined example…

You would immediately see the hypocrisy, that you would not be ‘free’ precisely because those in control of power held a ‘belief’ that you should NOT have basic human freedom unless you were a Christian.

Now while that is a hypothetical example, it is beyond shameful that Christians continue to insist that this is a Christian nation, when the very fabric of our Constitution and our democracy goes out of its way in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution to state the CONTRARY…And this was done with prescient foresight by our founding mothers and fathers who recognized this fundamental truth of which I am describing.

But I want to make a much bigger point on this topic that is NOT a hypothetical, and that goes much deeper to the core of exposing the deliberate man-made fraud of not just Christianity, but what I often refer to as each of the BIG THREE organized religions, those being Judaism, Christianity & Islam.

I used the example of’ freedom’ above, but since freedom and equality and LOVE of your fellow man, (meaning ‘The Golden Rule’) are three things we can all agree are pretty much SYNONYMOUS, let’s now use ‘LOVE’, since that is OSTENSIBLY…and I stress that word for a reason…LOVE is OSTENSIBLY what Christianity and Islam claim to be about for humanity.

And YET…Just like in my example above asking you to imagine you couldn’t be FREE unless you swore a ‘belief’ in Christianity, THAT IS EXACTLY what Christianity and the Bible teaches about ‘LOVE’…

As I detail in my first book as an author, entitled ‘HOLY LIBEL’ (now available wherever books are sold), the Bible is rampant with so-called ‘holy scriptures’ stating over and over again that all those who are NOT ‘believers’ will be not only destroyed upon their “loving” Messiah’s return in the END TIMES, but they will be condemned to eternal torment in Hell for not ‘believing’ in Christianity…Does that sound like either love OR forgiveness to you?

When you hold a Christian accountable for this belief, invariably they get very uncomfortable because deep down, their conscience knows that this is undeniable hypocrisy due to its LACK of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and FORGIVENESS…(Not that humanity needs Christianity’s ‘conditional forgiveness’, don’t get me wrong…I’m using their hypocritical teaching which I as a child grew up and cut my teeth on, to make my point)…

Obviously, if your ‘belief’ is that ‘God is Love’ and Jesus is all about forgiveness and unconditional love, and Jesus as we read in John 1:1 is ONE & SAME with ‘God’…Well then obviously we have a fundamental hypocritical problem when over and over and over in the Bible, as I detail example after example after example in my book ‘HOLY LIBEL’, we see the OPPOSITE perpetrated and ordained by God against those who are not ‘believers’ of the Bible.

Way before my example above about the Bible’s decreeing the coming condemnation of all ‘non believers’ by Jesus and his army of genocidal angels (nothing but a man-made, monstrous fairy tale)…Way before that we have the Old Testament REPLETE with story after story of this ‘loving’ God telling the Jews to commit genocide on culture after culture that they sought to wage war with…

Again, I want to make it clear, and I detail these examples in a major way in my book… But to be clear here, these are so-called ‘holy scriptures’ that oddly just IGNORE the God of the Bible’s ‘commandment’ of “THOU SHALT NOT KILL”, and portray a so-called ‘loving’ God as ordering the Jews to not just go to battle with other nations’ armies, but to commit mass genocide of every living thing…

Oh but wait…they are allowed to KEEP all the gold and silver and treasure of course! (Read Joshua Chapter 6 for one of an endless number of these stories)

Read the story of ‘The Passover’ for one of the sickest depictions of ‘God’ in the Bible, still one of the Jews’ biggest ‘celebrations’ to this day…the entire story all about a grand finale of God supposedly wanting to demonstrate his ‘wonders’ by the genocidal killing of not the adult Egyptians who ostensibly were enslaving the Jews, but to commit genocide on ALL THEIR FIRSTBORN EGYPTIAN CHILDREN…

Oh, but wait, not just the children of the Egyptians, but also the children of any non-Jewish servants of the Egyptians…What did their children have to do with the Jews being enslaved? Nothing of course. These are very, very sick man-made teachings that were designed to falsely ‘DEIFY’ a culture.

In some of the Old Testament stories, this ‘loving’ God (and remember, like I said above, we are told in John 1:1 that Jesus and God are THE SAME!)…In some of these stories, this ‘loving’ God tells the Jews to kill all the men and all the male children, but that they can KEEP the female ‘virgin’ children ‘WHO HAVE NOT BEEN WITH A MAN’…they can keep them for themselves! (Here are a few more specific reference points so you can see for yourself: Hosea 13: 16, Numbers 31: 17 & 18, Deuteronomy 20:16 & 17, 1st Samuel 15:3)

So in closing, what we can see is that JUST LIKE Democracy would be a huge hypocrisy if it required ONE BELIEF in order for you to have ‘FREEDOM’…In my book ‘HOLY LIBEL’ I am exposing the same massive contradiction and hypocrisy with JudeoChristianity (& Islam)…

They are man-made works of sick, monstrous, LIBELOUS false teachings of the nature of God, all while MASQUERADING as being about ‘LOVE’ and ‘FORGIVENESS’, when their very scriptures (if you take the time to read them…or just read my book and I’ll SHOW them to you)…When their very scriptures teach over and over that you only receive ‘love’ and ‘forgiveness’ IF you hold their belief…otherwise you are to be condemned by Jesus.

And if you as a ‘Christian’ or a ‘Muslim’ try to deny that your Bible or your Koran teaches these things, and you try to deny that these are your beliefs, well you couldn’t be more hypocritical than someone who was, let’s say a member of the Ku Klux Klan…And when asked why the Ku Klux Klan handbook teaches a belief in absolute ‘White supremacy’, they tried to claim that wasn’t anything at all like what they as a Klan member believed!

Or we could use the example of a Communist, who when confronted with Communism’s lack of individual sovereignty & freedom and the right to own property or a business for their subjects in favor of the ‘collective society’ dictated to by the ‘State’…And they tried to say that isn’t anything at all like what they as a Communist believe… When in fact that is what Communism is about and that is fundamentally what Karl Marx writes about in ‘The Communist Manifesto’.

It’s time for humanity to FINALLY AWAKEN to the major man-made lies about God that have been programmed into the minds of the masses over the centuries…All deliberately for the purpose of the elites long ago who made up those lies, in order to control the masses in their cultures with fear and guilt, and create a dangerous ‘STATE BELIEF’, as was the case with the creation of not only Judaism, but Christianity by the Roman Catholic Church…

And this ‘STATE MANDATED BELIEF’ was used to galvanize and rally their fighting age men to, just like the Old Testament examples I cited above, wage genocidal war after genocidal war in the name of ‘MANIFEST DESTINY’, which we see in our history books was the bigoted propaganda used by the Christian church and invaders from Europe into America…

We see the subsequent historical result, that being the indescribably unconscionable holocaust committed in the name of Christian ‘MANIFEST DESTINY’ against Native Americans, African Americans and Chinese, just to name a few who were enslaved if not massacred by the millions!

So this Fourth of July, remember that FREEDOM & LOVE, EQUALLY FOR ALL DIVERSITY are not what the Bible and the Koran actually teach…The Bible and the Koran fundamentally and undeniably teach a CONDITIONAL ‘Freedom’ & ‘Love’…CONDITIONAL on your ‘believing’ their ‘faith’…

Do you see how ‘faith’ can be one of the most dangerous concepts of all?

If it is not a faith that believes ALL of us in ALL of our beautiful diversity are PART of what ‘God’ is, and if it is a faith that teaches ONLY ONE BELIEF is ‘LOVED’ & ‘FORGIVEN’ by their God…then that is a faith that must be exposed for the danger that it is to humanity, which we have seen is the case throughout mankind’s long history already…

It’s time for this false concept of God to STOP, once and for all, in the name of true healing, love and equality for humanity!

Love and equality by definition DO NOT require one to hold any ‘ONE BELIEF’ to be ‘SAVED’…And that IS what the Bible teaches, though many Christians will lie to you and pretend otherwise, while out of the other side of their mouth they will go around saying “AMERICA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION!”

‘THANK GOD’ we are NOT!

Connie Bryan Headshot

Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, author of ‘HOLY LIBEL’ now available wherever books are sold…She is also the host of ‘The Connie Bryan Show’ now airing in 21 cable markets nationwide…Check out all of Connie’s material on her website and blog at!)