Recently I saw someone caught up in the radical WOKE, “stop having babies” agenda, displaying a large banner that said “LOTS OF HUMANS WISH THEY WERE NEVER BORN.”

And yes, sadly this is true…There are a shocking number of people who are so depressed today, that they wish they hadn’t been born. The vast majority of them don’t realize this is because their subconscious naturally prefers the peace of where we all come from in the spiritual existence of what I call ‘the other side’. And more specifically, they haven’t been taught the correct understanding of WHY they are here INSTEAD of there right now!

Even those who call themselves ‘atheists’ or ‘agnostics’, and even those who don’t come from a significantly religious family, still virtually ALL of humanity have been wrongly conditioned by man made false teachings from The Bible and The Koran that falsely teach you from an early age that humans are all evil and ‘sinful’ by nature, separate from what God is, etc, etc.

Again, even if you aren’t a Bible toting, church going Southern Baptist, or a Koran toting, staunch mosque going Muslim, the vast majority of humanity have been to some degree psychologically impacted and conditioned with this ‘belief’, due to how it has been the state sponsored belief of both the Western world and the Islamic world for the majority of the last 2 thousand years!

But the truth is slowly healing humanity from those Bible and Koran man made lies, crafted by elites obsessed with eventual world supremacy, who sought to ‘deify’ their cultures, and control their respective populations using fear and guilt, and who sought to craft & portray a ‘God’ who commissioned them with a ‘MANIFEST DESTINY’ to go and commit mass genocide of indigenous cultures of lands they sought for themselves, i.e. what Christian Europeans did to the Native Americans and Africans as they claimed God ‘ordained’ their invasion and occupation of America to ‘save’ the indigenous ‘heathens’.

One of the most quoted passages of the Bible is the phrase, ‘by their fruits ye shall know them’, ostensibly meaning that ‘Christians’ show their Christianity by the ‘fruits’ of their actions…

The hypocrisy and the ironic truth of that Bible passage is noteworthy, because the ‘fruits’ of the evil, UNHOLY legacy of the Bible and of ‘Christian behavior’ SINCE the writing of the Bible are genocidal, condemning toward all other beliefs as ‘non believers’, and as such intrinsically divisive and psychologically harmful, all ostensibly in the name of ‘God’…

Of course the same can be said of Islam and the Koran, and the similar genocidal ‘fruits’ that resulted from their ‘beliefs’.

Both the Bible and the Koran have a shameful foundation that demeans and oppresses the female sex, while seeking to portray God or Allah as the ‘superior’ male sex, and therefore portraying the male sex of humanity as therefore superior to women, etc.

Again, obviously this was a sick, man made fraudulent concept that sought to force that psychologically traumatizing ‘belief’ on the female portion of their culture’s populations, for the benefit and elevating of the male portion of their culture’s populations.

I talk about all these things in depth in my new book ‘HOLY LIBEL: The Definitive Deprogramming Guide to the Lies & Fraud of the Bible’(now available wherever books are sold), and I detail for the reader, using their own King James Bible, all of the undeniable man made lies and fraud rampant in the Bible.

These ubiquitous, shameful false teachings about God and spirituality are the REASON WHY there is so much corruption in the world today, and why so many people wish they had never been born…

Because IF humanity had NOT been lied to for so long about who and what we are, in such a traumatic, psychologically damaging way over the last 2 thousand years, we already would have awakened to the understanding we were meant to have, that being that IN ALL OF OUR DIVERSITY, WE ARE ALL A DIVINE PART OF WHAT GOD IS, NOT ‘SINFUL BY NATURE’!

If you are one of those many of humanity who sometimes wish you had not been born, it is time for you to grow out of that brainwashed, self-defeating mindset, and understand that you are in that mindset because you have been LIED TO by the very institutions you thought you could trust the most…

But it was THEY who were evil and corrupt by nature, NOT YOU and NOT HUMANITY!

When we awaken to the truth that the crafters of the Bible and the Koran sought to hide, that being that we are ALL DIVINE, and we are ALL THE PHYSICAL HANDS OF GOD here in this physical dimension, then we begin to realize we were MEANT to be here to be part of the HEALING of this dimension…

That this world is NOT a ‘lost cause’ because you were meant to be here to HEAL it by exposing the corruption and hypocrisy, most predominantly rooted in the false teachings of the Big Three organized religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

That is to say, you were meant by now to awaken to the understanding that you CHOSE to come here when you were on ‘the other side’ and when there on ‘the other side’ you understood that was your intention as a source of Divine healing…

So there is no more time to wallow in self pity of ‘wishing you were never born’…

On behalf of the DESPERATE need of your fellow human beings’ for the healing that YOU were meant to help bring, there is no more time to waste in recognizing the undeniable corrupt ‘fruits of beliefs’ that teach the opposite message, and that were deliberately designed to BLOCK your understanding and your remembering of your Divine nature, ever since you were born here as a HOLY, DIVINE HEALER BY NATURE.

Connie Bryan

The Connie Bryan Show

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, and the author of her first book ‘HOLY LIBEL’…She is also the host of ‘The Connie Bryan Show’ now airing in 21 cable markets nationwide. Check out all of her material on her website and blog at