About Connie Bryan

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So far Connie Bryan has created 224 blog entries.
14 04, 2019

The Existential Danger of “ORGANIZED FAITH” & What We NEED In a 2020 Candidate

By |2019-04-14T19:59:17-07:00April 14th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Understand this: FAITH as it has been polluted, falsely defined, misused and abused by power-seeking men throughout history thus far, is the primary obstacle standing in the way of a worldwide awakening of REAL LOVE and PEACE...Faith is ONLY sacred when it does NOT have any form of bigotry or condemnation toward others in its fundamental teaching! Otherwise, it is a dangerous and divisive FRAUD, and it is time we stopped teaching that divisive fraud to our children out of family or cultural tradition "

27 03, 2019


By |2019-03-27T22:23:38-07:00March 27th, 2019|Mueller Report, Politics|0 Comments

"Susan Page, journalist and Washington bureau chief for USA TODAY, just revealed a powerful revelation in her timely new book on the life of former First Lady Barbara Bush. When Page asked her in 2018 if, in this current Trump era, she still considered herself a Republican, Barbara Bush replied that no, she would have to say she did not...As painful and traumatizing as this national disgrace continues to be at present, be heartened by the fact that it is only the vocal minority who are" pretending the emperor is wearing clothes" for the temporary hypocritical benefits they can selfishly gain from doing so"

12 02, 2019

Senator Klobuchar: ‘Tough & Gritty’ or Just a Really Bad Hostess?

By |2019-02-12T06:40:14-08:00February 12th, 2019|Comedy, Donald Trump, Politics, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Good grief, the lengths a gal has to go to, just to distinguish herself today in our 'United States of Reality TV'...And the challenge for parents in her audience! Because despite the free cookies and hot chocolate, there's a limit to how long you can keep your kids' minds off of the fact that they can't feel their faces, hands or feet by keeping them singing tunes from their favorite movie 'Frozen' ."

7 02, 2019


By |2019-02-07T22:24:19-08:00February 7th, 2019|Politics|0 Comments

"The shame on those Republicans responsible for creating this sh#t-show, and who are continuing to try to 'normalize' this Republican party insanity is beyond description, it is so disgusting and hypocritical. NONE of this is normal. Trump is exactly the opposite of the role models we teach our children to look up to. Last night's 'Sh#t of the Union'...I mean 'State of the Union' Address was theater of the absurd, and globally embarrassing - Like the movie "IDIOCRACY" come to life..."

4 02, 2019


By |2019-02-04T22:46:58-08:00February 4th, 2019|Politics, society, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"The massive dumbing down of this country that we've seen in the media over the last couple of decades has been part of this corrupt 'Corporatism' agenda. And that dumbing down has resulted in many Americans being fooled by the subtle con that these social media mega corporations have been running...While they convinced you that you were getting all kinds of stuff for free, you didn't realize the truth behind the con...YOU ARE THEIR PRODUCT...YOU ARE THE COMMODITY THEY ARE SELLING. And you are rapidly losing your coveted personal privacy and independence as a person...The internet was supposed to be the great equalizer to this rampant growing corruption, but ironically it has become the GREAT TRANQUILIZER, due to being allowed to be controlled by MONEY and these corrupt corporations that do not have the people's interests at heart, unless of course you happen to be one of their elite stockholders."

24 12, 2018


By |2018-12-24T20:56:50-08:00December 24th, 2018|spirituality, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Enough with the many lies of Christianity, lies that pollute and stand in the way of understanding real spiritual truth, real healing and real forgiveness that has NO element of condemnation. Lies by men, fraudulently masquerading as "God's Word", that create a horribly harmful block to waking up to our ONENESS WITH GOD, all of us in all our diversity, being a HOLY PART OF what "God" is, not separate in any way from what is Divine...The date of Jesus’ birth is, as I said above, only yet another of many such examples of this dishonest fraudulent practice that is the origin of the ‘Christian myth’…That is what Christianity is, only a theft of age old widely held myths of much older cultures, that were co-opted and deliberately plagiarized for the purpose of controlling the masses by the founders of the Roman Catholic church."

16 12, 2018

One of Christianity’s BIGGEST Lies: “It Isn’t Enough to be Good”

By |2018-12-16T21:14:53-08:00December 16th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"I do not apologize for saying this truth, THAT condemnation in the name of God by the Christian church is the epitome of what we could characterize as the root of evil...the OPPOSITE of 'good'. And it recently came to my knowledge that one of the most respected authors in history, Mark Twain himself, understood this hypocrisy of the church as well...Unbeknownst to me until recently, Twain had come to the same awareness, and was expressing a lot of the same things I have been writing about on this topic over the last several years. (This is encouraging as it shows many are waking up to these institutionalized lies)"

9 11, 2018

SURF’S UP!! Democrats’ “BLUE WAVE” Finally Brings TRUTH to the Mouths of some LOSING Republicans

By |2018-11-09T02:48:13-08:00November 9th, 2018|Politics, Trump, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"In a historic LANDSLIDE, Democrats took 29 seats to not just control, but dominate the House of Reps, with U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi now once again becoming the most powerful woman in the world. She will now return to the position of "Speaker of the House of Representatives" that she held once before in 2007. (And that's nice because it means she has the 'snake handling' experience that we need right now.)...There's no denying these 'big wave' results by the Democrats...And by the way, it was a wave contributed to by many Independents and defecting Republicans who never lost their moral compasses, and who are joining us in taking our country back from those who are the shame of the current Republican party."

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