22 12, 2012

America’s Culture of Violence: Only One Solution (PART 1)

By |2012-12-22T04:19:24-08:00December 22nd, 2012|Comedy, Gun Violence, Politics, School shootings|0 Comments

Everywhere I look in the media I don’t see or hear an emphasis on the real solution. All I hear is ineffectual “feel good” rhetoric about having a national conversation about gun control, or a national conversation about the mentally ill, while we CONSTANTLY AVOID THE NATIONAL CONVERSATION ABOUT THE 800 POUND ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!

25 10, 2010

NPR Hiding From Truth: Growing Fear of Muslims Worldwide

By |2010-10-25T06:04:42-07:00October 25th, 2010|Politics|0 Comments

He (Juan Williams) isn't nervous at their 'race' or 'ethnicity', he's nervous due to their heavy 'religious' identification as very devout Muslims. So the nervous feeling comes from the question that then begs to be asked: "Just HOW Devout??"...I had to chuckle when a day after WIlliams was fired, I heard a Muslim caller to a local talk radio show in Sacramento state that even she can't stop herself from feeling a bit nervous when she sees Muslims on her airline flight wearing full Islamic attire...and she herself is Muslim. That's honesty...and if I was Muslim, wearing my Calvin Klein jeans and RayBan sunglasses, flirting with the cute male steward bringing me my cocktail, I would feel a little nervous too!

21 10, 2010


By |2010-10-21T07:32:12-07:00October 21st, 2010|Politics|0 Comments

We overlook the following truth at our peril as Americans: Super corporations can be much more tyrannical than government. Therefore it is not anti-capitalism to suggest they be limited or ‘regulated’. Such a necessary common sense economic policy is NOT ‘socialism’, but merely PROTECTING free enterprise for all, not just for the elite...

16 12, 2008

Walmart and My Craigslist Singles Ad

By |2008-12-16T22:01:04-08:00December 16th, 2008|Politics|0 Comments

"I recently posted a singles ad on Craigslist, and included in my criteria for a date someone who understands it is un-American to shop at Walmart. Take a look at the CL ad, after which I’ve included some unexpected, very nasty responses:" I recently posted a singles ad on Craigslist, and included in my criteria for a date someone who understands it is un-American to shop at Walmart. Take a look at the CL ad, after which I’ve included some unexpected, very nasty responses: I recently posted a singles ad on Craigslist, and included in my criteria for a date someone who understands it is un-American to shop at Walmart. Take a look at the CL ad, after which I’ve included some unexpected, very nasty responses:

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