23 02, 2016

We Create the Peace of God

By |2016-02-23T05:52:59-08:00February 23rd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"More and more, all I see when I look around me is mass hypocrisy...a world full of people who are selfishly fighting AGAINST their true purpose and their true nature...people who are like sheep, and who would just rather conform to what is "popular", fed to them by power-mongering institutions like organized religion, the media and political parties just to name a few, rather than waking up to the fake, pretentious scene they are helping to sustain by doing so."

8 01, 2016


By |2016-01-08T19:54:28-08:00January 8th, 2016|culture|0 Comments

"The horrors we are seeing all around us are meant to wake us up and help us think and create in the right direction. They are the result of our thinking and creating in the WRONG direction for way too long...We think in the wrong direction when we see our identity as number one, separate from what God is, and number two, separate from our diverse brothers and sisters. That is to say, too many of us put too much of an emphasis on being "Christian", or being "Jewish", or being "Muslim", or being "Mormons", or being "White", or "Black", or "Hispanic/Mexican"...the list of examples of divisions between ourselves goes on and on."

21 12, 2015

A Little ‘Enlightenment’…What Does that Word Really Mean?

By |2015-12-21T23:54:19-08:00December 21st, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"The Bible, the Koran and organized religion are all about 'conditions' for "God's love and forgiveness". Make no mistake, your thoughts create! A mind that thinks with such a belief is perpetually creating an UNHEALED, divisive world that lacks the healing, love, peace and real abiding happiness they were not only meant to have for themselves, but that they were meant to daily bring to others!"

7 12, 2015

ALIENATION: Key Element in BOTH Radical Terrorism and Non-Terrorist Mass Violence

By |2015-12-07T18:58:49-08:00December 7th, 2015|Gun Violence, School shootings, society|0 Comments

"The Bible teaches the EXACT same message of alienation as does the Koran, that being if you become a Christian, you will be alienated from the rest of a horribly persecuting world, but that it will be worth it for you in the afterlife, as they will all be tormented in Hell forever while you will receive your wealth in heaven for eternity, etc., etc. Organized religion CREATES an 'alienation complex' in its "believers". This is the glaring evidence of it being man-made and fraudulent. True spirituality doesn't teach alienation WHATSOEVER! True spirituality has NO element of condemnation or damnation as a result for 'non-believers'."

3 12, 2015

Unethical U.S. Culture Primary Cause of Mass Shootings

By |2015-12-03T19:08:05-08:00December 3rd, 2015|Gun Violence, School shootings, society|0 Comments

"the solution or overall 'panacea' to addressing the growing violence and number of mass shootings in the United States is not found with "gun control" per se. That is not the angle I am coming from here whatsoever. I don't meant to over-generalize, but we don't address the issue of violent road rage by suggesting we stop selling cars, etc. The source of the problem that is SCREAMING to be addressed today is the underlying lack of ethics and human/community values in our American culture that need have NOTHING to do with organized religion. Matter of fact it is critical that they do not. Please read on so that I can expound on why that is so important."

16 11, 2015

Man-Made Religious Ideology Not Just Problem with Islam

By |2015-11-16T22:40:34-08:00November 16th, 2015|culture, Politics|0 Comments

"We can't ignore that WE, the United States, largely fueled by a Conservative presidency at the time (George W. Bush) and his Christian and Jewish constituency and advisers, continued a long legacy of undermining and attacking Islam...specifically Iraq and Afghanistan. Our actions were the metaphorical equivalent of your child being stung by a couple of hornets, and you get so angry that you decide to take a broomstick and SWAT the hornet's nest a dozen times. After doing so, you hypocritically exclaim to all your neighbors' horribly stung children that you did so because it was time to "BRING IT ON", etc.(The words George W. Bush famously said after our invasion of Iraq)"

6 07, 2015

You ARE the HANDS of God

By |2015-07-06T22:05:05-07:00July 6th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"As you realize you are a holy part of what God is, and as you begin to receive the healing and power that comes into your life upon that realization, you are meant to bless everyone in your daily path with that healing as well. Organized religion loves to tell their "believers" that a "savior" will come some day riding a white horse, coming down on a cloud in the sky, with an army of angels to "fix everything" and to "destroy all non believers" (my, that's real love and forgiveness, huh?)."

27 05, 2015


By |2015-05-27T21:18:19-07:00May 27th, 2015|culture, society|0 Comments

"This is the uncomfortable but critical universal conversation we all need to be having on earth at this time. With the geo-political dangers we face with terrorism and nuclear weapons technology, and more specifically with the BILLIONS of both Christians and Muslims who believe there "NEEDS TO BE" an Armegeddon or "end times" world wide holocaust event in order to bring on the "savior", etc... With humanity at such a crossroads, this is the uncomfortable, unpopular conversation we need to have that is LONG OVERDUE."

18 04, 2015

CNN’s Fahreed Zakaria: “There’s a Cancer Inside Islam”

By |2015-04-18T05:59:55-07:00April 18th, 2015|culture, society|0 Comments

"It is time we stopped being weak, conformist sheep, and started being willing to OFFEND those who teach hate, bigotry and damnation "in the name of God", whether they be mainstream Christians teaching that man-made message which is rampant all throughout the Bible's scriptures, or whether they are mainstream Muslims teaching that man-made message found all throughout the Koran."

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