7 02, 2019


By |2019-02-07T22:24:19-08:00February 7th, 2019|Politics|0 Comments

"The shame on those Republicans responsible for creating this sh#t-show, and who are continuing to try to 'normalize' this Republican party insanity is beyond description, it is so disgusting and hypocritical. NONE of this is normal. Trump is exactly the opposite of the role models we teach our children to look up to. Last night's 'Sh#t of the Union'...I mean 'State of the Union' Address was theater of the absurd, and globally embarrassing - Like the movie "IDIOCRACY" come to life..."

14 12, 2015

USE of “P-Word” Applies More to Man Using the Slur

By |2015-12-14T19:29:59-08:00December 14th, 2015|gender, Politics|0 Comments

"Next time you hear a man call another man a 'pussy', stand up for the beautiful healing strength of women and shut him down. I had this exact experience in a police academy class I was in not long ago. My background is law enforcement, and I was going through a refresher course here in Sacramento. The instructor showed very weak character in the class when he responded to a recruit's point of view on a certain topic by saying, "C'mon, don't be a PUSSY". He absolutely wanted to compare the possible point of view of the recruit as being 'weak and effeminate like a female'. Being the only person in the room with prior experience as a police officer, I raised my hand to address the inappropriate use of such a term in an academy class. I politely explained to the instructor, for the entire class to hear, that to compare weakness and ineffectiveness to someone who has a vagina, i.e.someone who has a 'pussy', is grossly wrong, inaccurate and inappropriate."

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