6 06, 2020

Time for a COMPLETELY NEW Law Enforcement Model

By |2020-06-06T23:08:04-07:00June 6th, 2020|George Floyd, police brutality, race|0 Comments

"The general public - meaning the average, relatively 'comfortable' white person - ignorantly wants to hold on to the notion that all of these deaths of unarmed minorities, and all the abuse we see growing across our nation in law enforcement is all done by a 'few bad apples'. That of course is absurd. Because the constant repetitive legacy of these continuing needless deaths only happen because of an institutional culture and mindset effecting the majority within the ranks of the police. And such ongoing abuse of power by so called 'bad apples' has only been allowed to go virtually unchecked because the majority of the other cops are dutifully CONFORMING to that culture, and not calling it out. I consider that 'silent majority' to be just as 'bad' if not worse in some ways, than those who pull the trigger unjustly or grind their knee for almost 9 minutes into someone's neck while they are begging for air."

2 04, 2020

Fact Checking the UNNECESSARY HYSTERIA Created by the Media Over Covid-19

By |2020-04-02T08:44:39-07:00April 2nd, 2020|Corona Virus|0 Comments

"There is a big difference between the word 'hoax' and the word 'hype'. Obviously the novel Corona virus is real and is not any kind of 'hoax'. But it IS being massively HYPED in a huge way by the media right now as part of a political agenda, and there's no excuse for it. There's also no excuse for the threat that hype and manufactured hysteria is becoming to Americans' precious freedom and independence, both social and economic. "

7 03, 2020

Showcasing the Lies of Our ‘POST TRUTH CULTURE’, and On the Mostly FAKE SUPPORT Toward Those Who Are TRANSGENDER

By |2020-03-07T23:32:28-08:00March 7th, 2020|religion|0 Comments

"Through an amazing, albeit severely ironic and painful life experience for me, beginning in the destructive "faith" of evangelical Christianity as a child, I am forever thankful to have been 'SAVED FROM' that poisonous, unhealthy Bible-based habit falsely attributed to "God," and to have been guided in my steadfast and earnest meditations to find the source of real spiritual healing and happiness."

27 01, 2020

Republican Party Not Unique With Its Growing & Dangerous “Cult” Aspect

By |2020-01-27T07:27:31-08:00January 27th, 2020|Donald Trump, Politics, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"The Trump Cult Party and all their evangelical hypocritical CHRISTIANS don’t care that Trump lies…as a matter of fact, in the Trump Cult Party, just like in Christianity, the TRUTH isn’t what makes you ‘credible’…What makes you ‘credible’ is CONFORMITY… What makes you credible is entirely about LOYALTY, not honesty...It's all about conformity and loyalty to the Trump Cult Party agenda. That is how Trump supporting Republicans define ‘credibility’ in this sick POST TRUTH culture we live in here in the U.S."

27 07, 2019

In an Alternative Universe: Mueller’s Investigation Includes Trump and Russia’s Conspiracy to Kidnap & Kill an Obama Pardoned Turkey

By |2019-07-27T05:37:40-07:00July 27th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Mueller: I can say we drew a direct correlation to the disappearance of the Obama pardoned turkey from the Washington D.C. zoo to comments made by then candidate Donald Trump during a nationally televised debate. Nadler: Would you please elaborate on those comments for the American public? Mueller: Yes...During this presidential debate in 2016, Trump specifically appealed to the Russian government, saying, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you can get access to the Washington D.C. petting zoo after hours...They close at 8pm, 6pm on Sundays."

5 06, 2019


By |2019-06-05T20:43:59-07:00June 5th, 2019|Politics, Special Prosecutor|0 Comments

"In hindsight, Special Prosecutor Mueller realizes his huge mistake of expecting today's dumbed down American public actually READ his lengthy arcane report... So he wisely calls on "SESAME STREET" and ELMO to educate Americans about the Trump lies, corruption and obstruction that his report reveals..."

19 05, 2019

Time for the Democratic Party to Do Some “Soul Searching” of Their Own

By |2019-05-19T20:43:10-07:00May 19th, 2019|Politics|0 Comments

"The 'SOUL' of this nation is NOT found on the 'abortion-on-demand celebrating', 'recreational drug legalizing' LEFT of Liberals, any more than it is found on the 'assault rifle celebrating', 'LGBT and Mexican immigrant hating', 'Trump evangelizing' RIGHT of Conservatives...Understand this...The 'SOUL' of this nation is found in the MORAL CENTER embraced by most Americans, the majority of whom are well aware that we have never experienced such a corrupt, racist, dishonest and criminal-minded individual as Donald Trump elected to the highest office of our land."

22 04, 2019

My Notes Re: The Mueller Report, and a Moving Anecdote from an Emotional Foreigner I Interviewed for my TV Show in Sacramento…

By |2019-04-22T04:45:18-07:00April 22nd, 2019|Donald Trump, Mueller Report, Politics|0 Comments

"I've compiled some initial summarizing notes re: the Mueller report, with some of the most pertinent quotes from Mueller that are very damning, and detail Mueller's belief that the President's conduct was in his word's a 'corrupt abuse of the powers of the office'."

14 04, 2019

The Existential Danger of “ORGANIZED FAITH” & What We NEED In a 2020 Candidate

By |2019-04-14T19:59:17-07:00April 14th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Understand this: FAITH as it has been polluted, falsely defined, misused and abused by power-seeking men throughout history thus far, is the primary obstacle standing in the way of a worldwide awakening of REAL LOVE and PEACE...Faith is ONLY sacred when it does NOT have any form of bigotry or condemnation toward others in its fundamental teaching! Otherwise, it is a dangerous and divisive FRAUD, and it is time we stopped teaching that divisive fraud to our children out of family or cultural tradition "

27 03, 2019


By |2019-03-27T22:23:38-07:00March 27th, 2019|Mueller Report, Politics|0 Comments

"Susan Page, journalist and Washington bureau chief for USA TODAY, just revealed a powerful revelation in her timely new book on the life of former First Lady Barbara Bush. When Page asked her in 2018 if, in this current Trump era, she still considered herself a Republican, Barbara Bush replied that no, she would have to say she did not...As painful and traumatizing as this national disgrace continues to be at present, be heartened by the fact that it is only the vocal minority who are" pretending the emperor is wearing clothes" for the temporary hypocritical benefits they can selfishly gain from doing so"

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