16 11, 2015

Man-Made Religious Ideology Not Just Problem with Islam

By |2015-11-16T22:40:34-08:00November 16th, 2015|culture, Politics|0 Comments

"We can't ignore that WE, the United States, largely fueled by a Conservative presidency at the time (George W. Bush) and his Christian and Jewish constituency and advisers, continued a long legacy of undermining and attacking Islam...specifically Iraq and Afghanistan. Our actions were the metaphorical equivalent of your child being stung by a couple of hornets, and you get so angry that you decide to take a broomstick and SWAT the hornet's nest a dozen times. After doing so, you hypocritically exclaim to all your neighbors' horribly stung children that you did so because it was time to "BRING IT ON", etc.(The words George W. Bush famously said after our invasion of Iraq)"

3 11, 2015


By |2015-11-03T19:54:14-08:00November 3rd, 2015|Climate Change, Politics|0 Comments

"Because EVERYTHING IS THOUGHT, meaning thought is the source of all creation... negative unloving thoughts have a consequence for those who think them...they will create major problems and negative outcomes in your experience here that we call 'LIFE'...People mistakenly love to say, 'You can't talk about religion and politics'...yet we MUST talk about those two topics no matter how controversial it may seem, because those two institutions have been corrupt bedfellows causing upside down wrong thinking for thousands of years in their shared interest of controlling the masses for their power and profit motives."

6 07, 2015

You ARE the HANDS of God

By |2015-07-06T22:05:05-07:00July 6th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"As you realize you are a holy part of what God is, and as you begin to receive the healing and power that comes into your life upon that realization, you are meant to bless everyone in your daily path with that healing as well. Organized religion loves to tell their "believers" that a "savior" will come some day riding a white horse, coming down on a cloud in the sky, with an army of angels to "fix everything" and to "destroy all non believers" (my, that's real love and forgiveness, huh?)."

24 02, 2015

WHAT THE HELL? Why People Believe In It

By |2015-02-24T05:02:32-08:00February 24th, 2015|culture, Politics, society, Terrorism|0 Comments

"President OBama is grossly in error as he continues bending himself into a political pretzel by trying to argue that ISIS, Al Qaeda and other such Islamic radicals are NOT part of Islam. That is not just a laughable lie, it is a hysterical lie. These groups are first and foremost, fundamentally motivated by the teachings of Mohammed and the Koran that demand that ALL MUSLIMS help to create a world wide "caliphate", which means a world wide theocracy under Sharia Law, where the entire world's laws are to be governed by the teachings of Islam and the Koran."

23 12, 2014


By |2014-12-23T22:01:07-08:00December 23rd, 2014|science|0 Comments

"People often ask what does the term "spiritual" mean. It means the non-physical, eternal energy and consciousness of the unseen. Einstein and Eddington, along with many more talented groundbreaking scientists over the centuries, are repeatedly helping us to see that there is clearly an unexplained, scientifically unseen "power" that is responsible for this physical world."

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