25 07, 2017

‘Love & Peace’ Require Bringing Uncomfortable CORRECTION to Bear on Trump Supporters

By |2017-07-25T20:51:56-07:00July 25th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"This is about the lack of character and integrity fueling this national Trump disgrace.  Integrity is what 'politics' is SUPPOSED to be about. Politics is not meant to be a negative term. It is supposed to be about attracting public servants to represent American citizens within the scope of equality as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution...not within the scope of 'white privilege'...What does it mean to be an honorable American? What is that definition? It means we don't COMPROMISE that character and integrity in social settings with those who would actively SUPPORT that which is compromising that character and integrity on a daily basis! And that applies to all aspects of our social lives...Character and integrity isn't something you turn on and off to avoid 'making waves', etc."

6 01, 2017


By |2017-01-06T22:45:52-08:00January 6th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"We can't find peace, happiness and healing for ourselves, or bring it to others, until we learn to 'think' correctly...until we learn what our true nature is, which teaches us what our purpose is. Do you spend a great deal of time asking for this kind of wisdom? The vast majority of people do not, and as a result their lives are full of pain, unhealthiness, unhappiness, selfish anger, bigotry, disregard for others' needs, discord and depression...All stemming simply from incorrect, unhealthy thinking about the nature of what they are."

23 10, 2016

“Thought Pollution”WORSE than Environmental Pollution

By |2016-10-23T22:23:00-07:00October 23rd, 2016|Climate Change|0 Comments

"Understand this, no matter how politically incorrect it may initially sound: Religion and culture, and their respective religious and cultural beliefs, are NOT ALWAYS HEALTHY or SACRED! They are often UNHEALTHY and DESTRUCTIVE, to the extent that they are divisive, bigoted and elitist toward others they see as 'apart' from them or 'inferior' to them...As a matter of fact, the "Big Three" religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) have by man-made design been the MAIN ROOT CAUSE of all the hate, division, violence and war for thousands of years. That is entirely because of bigoted, selfish, elitism caused by polluted thought."

21 06, 2016

REQUIRED READING: Time Has Come to Stop Pretending & Conforming Like Sheep About Religion

By |2016-06-21T02:09:50-07:00June 21st, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"People must become at least spiritually enlightened enough to understand that religion can only be seen like someone's FAVORITE COLOR...and that is IT! You're a Christian? Fine...It doesn't make you "saved" over all others. That is a man-made lie. It's only as though you like the color RED on the color spectrum. You are a Jew? Fine...It doesn't set you apart in any way as the "Chosen Ones". It's only like your favorite color is BLUE...You are a Muslim? Fine...You aren't SPECIAL over anyone else in the eyes of Allah. It is only like your favorite color is GREEN, and we are ALL a part of the 'Divine color spectrum'. That in a nutshell is how you understand true spirituality...That is how mankind must learn to see all religion...just shades of colors in the rainbow we are all a part of together...a rainbow we co-created as a part of what God is."

12 06, 2016

“Faith” at the Root of Humanity’s Division

By |2016-06-12T17:37:48-07:00June 12th, 2016|society|0 Comments

" 'Faith' that has even an ounce of elitism and damning of others is spiritual 'fraud'. Faith is not automatically a beautiful thing, just as "belief" is not automatically a beautiful thing. I have personally witnessed and experienced this truth first hand, growing up around the truth about Christian beliefs, and witnessing first hand how condemning, elitist and bigoted toward others I was taught to be, using the majority of scriptures in the King James Bible."

23 02, 2016

We Create the Peace of God

By |2016-02-23T05:52:59-08:00February 23rd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"More and more, all I see when I look around me is mass hypocrisy...a world full of people who are selfishly fighting AGAINST their true purpose and their true nature...people who are like sheep, and who would just rather conform to what is "popular", fed to them by power-mongering institutions like organized religion, the media and political parties just to name a few, rather than waking up to the fake, pretentious scene they are helping to sustain by doing so."

8 01, 2016


By |2016-01-08T19:54:28-08:00January 8th, 2016|culture|0 Comments

"The horrors we are seeing all around us are meant to wake us up and help us think and create in the right direction. They are the result of our thinking and creating in the WRONG direction for way too long...We think in the wrong direction when we see our identity as number one, separate from what God is, and number two, separate from our diverse brothers and sisters. That is to say, too many of us put too much of an emphasis on being "Christian", or being "Jewish", or being "Muslim", or being "Mormons", or being "White", or "Black", or "Hispanic/Mexican"...the list of examples of divisions between ourselves goes on and on."

21 12, 2015

A Little ‘Enlightenment’…What Does that Word Really Mean?

By |2015-12-21T23:54:19-08:00December 21st, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"The Bible, the Koran and organized religion are all about 'conditions' for "God's love and forgiveness". Make no mistake, your thoughts create! A mind that thinks with such a belief is perpetually creating an UNHEALED, divisive world that lacks the healing, love, peace and real abiding happiness they were not only meant to have for themselves, but that they were meant to daily bring to others!"

17 11, 2015

Finding Healing You Need in a Scary World

By |2015-11-17T20:48:56-08:00November 17th, 2015|Uncategorized|1 Comment

"If you embrace a belief that you can withhold forgiveness from anyone, you are withholding forgiveness for yourself. If you embrace the Christian teaching that only those who believe like you are 'Children of God', and only they are forgiven, and those of other faiths are condemned...if you embrace that thought, you are condemning yourself and PREVENTING healing for yourself, creating and attracting a seriously unhealthy path for your life."

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