14 10, 2017


By |2017-10-14T19:55:12-07:00October 14th, 2017|Donald Trump, Gun Violence, Politics, race, society|0 Comments

"The 'NIMBY' (not in my backyard) angry denigrating of the homeless in Sacramento by individuals in practically every area of our town has been allowed to go unchecked for too long by city and county politicians. Too many of our elected leaders have historically been more worried about alienating voters in their districts on this issue, than leading with the necessary solutions the majority of citizens know are critical and necessary to properly deal with the homeless epidemic we are facing."

6 10, 2017

What Would Jesus Say to “The Landpark Society” About Their Harassment of our Homeless?

By |2017-10-06T06:44:49-07:00October 6th, 2017|homelessness, Politics, society|0 Comments

"Homeless people seeking help have it bad enough without those who have it SO GOOD making it so much harder for them to get help and services to get back on their feet again. The TRUTH is, those like Curry who behave and speak in such a selfish way in the face of so much dire need, end up revealing themselves to be the REAL 'undesirables' in a community that knows it is long overdue that we rise to the challenge and provide shelter and services for these suffering 'down but not out' neighbors of ours."

11 07, 2016

We Should Keep the Flag at Half Staff Permanently

By |2016-07-11T21:19:23-07:00July 11th, 2016|Gun Violence, society|0 Comments

...the media engages in predictable, greed-driven hypocrisy, only pretending to be sincerely concerned...Truth be told, the worse it continues to get, the better the ratings for them. Their sick, wall-to-wall coverage, hyping the 'grief porn' of the victims and their families, and giving the shooters the fame they were looking for only encourages many more to do the same for such "fame" and exposure to their "cause".

12 06, 2016

“Faith” at the Root of Humanity’s Division

By |2016-06-12T17:37:48-07:00June 12th, 2016|society|0 Comments

" 'Faith' that has even an ounce of elitism and damning of others is spiritual 'fraud'. Faith is not automatically a beautiful thing, just as "belief" is not automatically a beautiful thing. I have personally witnessed and experienced this truth first hand, growing up around the truth about Christian beliefs, and witnessing first hand how condemning, elitist and bigoted toward others I was taught to be, using the majority of scriptures in the King James Bible."

2 05, 2016

Community Values & Good Character Becoming Casualties in America

By |2016-05-02T18:53:23-07:00May 2nd, 2016|Politics, society|0 Comments

"If you know you don't want your kids to smoke...If you know you don't want your kids to drink irresponsibly to the point of getting drunk, if you know you wouldn't want your kids to use drugs for recreation, if you know you wouldn't want them to run around having sex for recreation with no understanding of the huge adult consequences and responsibility that comes with sex, THEN DON'T ADVOCATE OR DO THOSE THINGS YOURSELF, RIGHT??... DUH!! Those who read the above and don't get that huge "DUH!" are people with zero good character. And we have a growing pandemic of this in America today. It belies zero character because it is a CHOSEN DESIRE by them NOT TO CARE about that responsibility of setting the right example with the way one lives their life...a desire to selfishly and irresponsibly only care about doing what feels good with no regard for the real damaging and unhealthy consequences. This absolutely shortchanges young people who, just like you and I when we were young, always look to adults for their guidance on how they should behave."

7 12, 2015

ALIENATION: Key Element in BOTH Radical Terrorism and Non-Terrorist Mass Violence

By |2015-12-07T18:58:49-08:00December 7th, 2015|Gun Violence, School shootings, society|0 Comments

"The Bible teaches the EXACT same message of alienation as does the Koran, that being if you become a Christian, you will be alienated from the rest of a horribly persecuting world, but that it will be worth it for you in the afterlife, as they will all be tormented in Hell forever while you will receive your wealth in heaven for eternity, etc., etc. Organized religion CREATES an 'alienation complex' in its "believers". This is the glaring evidence of it being man-made and fraudulent. True spirituality doesn't teach alienation WHATSOEVER! True spirituality has NO element of condemnation or damnation as a result for 'non-believers'."

3 12, 2015

Unethical U.S. Culture Primary Cause of Mass Shootings

By |2015-12-03T19:08:05-08:00December 3rd, 2015|Gun Violence, School shootings, society|0 Comments

"the solution or overall 'panacea' to addressing the growing violence and number of mass shootings in the United States is not found with "gun control" per se. That is not the angle I am coming from here whatsoever. I don't meant to over-generalize, but we don't address the issue of violent road rage by suggesting we stop selling cars, etc. The source of the problem that is SCREAMING to be addressed today is the underlying lack of ethics and human/community values in our American culture that need have NOTHING to do with organized religion. Matter of fact it is critical that they do not. Please read on so that I can expound on why that is so important."

16 10, 2015


By |2015-10-16T19:44:26-07:00October 16th, 2015|culture, Politics, society|0 Comments

"I bring this up because there is a solution, and it keeps getting shot down because local politicians don't have the character and backbone to stand up to these NIMBY homeowners in their districts...people who again hypocritically claim to be Christians while they look with disdain on the prospect of supporting homeless by allowing a temporary outdoor "tent city" area anywhere with any proximity to their suburbs, etc."

27 05, 2015


By |2015-05-27T21:18:19-07:00May 27th, 2015|culture, society|0 Comments

"This is the uncomfortable but critical universal conversation we all need to be having on earth at this time. With the geo-political dangers we face with terrorism and nuclear weapons technology, and more specifically with the BILLIONS of both Christians and Muslims who believe there "NEEDS TO BE" an Armegeddon or "end times" world wide holocaust event in order to bring on the "savior", etc... With humanity at such a crossroads, this is the uncomfortable, unpopular conversation we need to have that is LONG OVERDUE."

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