18 04, 2015

CNN’s Fahreed Zakaria: “There’s a Cancer Inside Islam”

By |2015-04-18T05:59:55-07:00April 18th, 2015|culture, society|0 Comments

"It is time we stopped being weak, conformist sheep, and started being willing to OFFEND those who teach hate, bigotry and damnation "in the name of God", whether they be mainstream Christians teaching that man-made message which is rampant all throughout the Bible's scriptures, or whether they are mainstream Muslims teaching that man-made message found all throughout the Koran."

24 02, 2015

WHAT THE HELL? Why People Believe In It

By |2015-02-24T05:02:32-08:00February 24th, 2015|culture, Politics, society, Terrorism|0 Comments

"President OBama is grossly in error as he continues bending himself into a political pretzel by trying to argue that ISIS, Al Qaeda and other such Islamic radicals are NOT part of Islam. That is not just a laughable lie, it is a hysterical lie. These groups are first and foremost, fundamentally motivated by the teachings of Mohammed and the Koran that demand that ALL MUSLIMS help to create a world wide "caliphate", which means a world wide theocracy under Sharia Law, where the entire world's laws are to be governed by the teachings of Islam and the Koran."

3 01, 2015

The BEST New Year’s Resolution: Unconditional Forgiveness

By |2015-01-03T21:31:38-08:00January 3rd, 2015|culture, society|0 Comments

"The mistaken thought that most people are suffering from is ironically caused by organized religion...that being the false fear-based teaching of the Big Three religions that you are separate from what 'God' is, and that you are at your essence 'evil', requiring first a 'human or animal blood sacrifice' and certain other conditions by which God might then 'save' you from eternal damnation. Stephen King novels don't even get that sick...I think I know where Stephen King got his early inspiration for his novels as a kid...SUNDAY SCHOOL!"

18 11, 2014

Holding Grievances: The Often Ignored ROOT of Organized Religion

By |2014-11-18T20:49:43-08:00November 18th, 2014|culture, society|0 Comments

"I was raised on the Bible. You could say I 'cut my teeth on it'. Even as a child studying it, I quickly recognized that the Bible is a seemingly endless stream of stories of God portrayed as holding grievances. But the truth is, it was written by vengeful, bigoted men who held grievances, and who sought to control the masses through fear, by creating a religion and a God “in their image”.

5 11, 2014

A Word of Caution: Deceptive False Teachings of Pastor Rick Warren

By |2014-11-05T22:04:30-08:00November 5th, 2014|social media, society|0 Comments

"...I have noticed that this is a technique used by a lot of Christians, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and even Muslims for that matter, to take what appear to be innocent, universally loving verses and showcase them to recruit others with their beliefs, when the overwhelming truth about their beliefs are something totally different. But you only discover this fact later, usually after they’ve successfully convinced you that their belief is the only true faith.

24 10, 2014

Being The Love of God That Others Need

By |2014-10-24T22:01:33-07:00October 24th, 2014|culture, society, Terrorism|0 Comments

'...do you want to know what brings harmony, health, happiness and peace in life for people? A daily awareness that your function...your purpose here is to create heaven on earth by being the "love of God" that others need. Your purpose is to be the love and strength of God for others, because you are a part of what God is. To be very frank, Christianity and Islam have lied and denied the masses that awareness for untold centuries. The only real spiritual truth that has the power to bring peace on earth is that God's love and forgiveness are not "proprietary" to one religion that "owns" the only way to receive it.'

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