27 08, 2017

Being Transgender and Living by Example, You Need People to Have Your Back More Than Ever

By |2017-08-27T22:23:50-07:00August 27th, 2017|Transgender, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"It is very hard to write about things that happen to you like this, because when you do so, you are making yourself an even larger target...You make yourself very vulnerable to those who would twist the situation and seek to attack even more. But I wanted to write about it because I felt any such responses would stand on their own as perfect examples of the problem."

10 08, 2017

Trump and Kim Jong Un Starring in”NUKE & NUKER”

By |2017-08-10T04:37:33-07:00August 10th, 2017|Politics, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"North Korea is recklessly pushing to develop such nuclear weapons technology primarily because they are convinced that their survival depends on that as a DETERRENT... And again, adults and competent leaders in our government and in our military understand that. Trump's incompetent threats indicate that he does not, and they reflect the ongoing pattern of incompetence we have seen in other areas. This is one of the biggest dangers our country faces from his incompetency in the White House...What is needed desperately right now is more communication like that from Secretary Tillerson, reinforcing to North Korea that they have misunderstood the United State's intentions where they are concerned, and that we are NOT THEIR ENEMY."

25 07, 2017

‘Love & Peace’ Require Bringing Uncomfortable CORRECTION to Bear on Trump Supporters

By |2017-07-25T20:51:56-07:00July 25th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"This is about the lack of character and integrity fueling this national Trump disgrace.  Integrity is what 'politics' is SUPPOSED to be about. Politics is not meant to be a negative term. It is supposed to be about attracting public servants to represent American citizens within the scope of equality as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution...not within the scope of 'white privilege'...What does it mean to be an honorable American? What is that definition? It means we don't COMPROMISE that character and integrity in social settings with those who would actively SUPPORT that which is compromising that character and integrity on a daily basis! And that applies to all aspects of our social lives...Character and integrity isn't something you turn on and off to avoid 'making waves', etc."

11 07, 2017

Trump’s Repeated Lying to Cover Up Contacts with Russians, Now Including his SON, Points Directly to Collusion

By |2017-07-11T04:47:59-07:00July 11th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Trump supporters love to try to say there is 'no evidence of collusion' in the face of Trump and his key top officials being caught in lie after lie in an effort to deny their contacts with Russian officials...I'm not a lawyer, but if I played one on TV, I'd feel pretty comfortable in saying that the many repeated lies to cover up meetings of his top administration and campaign staff that they had before and after his election, along with the entire world hearing Trump with our own ears during one of the debates, calling out TO RUSSIAN OFFICIALS from that debate stage on live television, ASKING them to HACK HILLARY CLINTON'S EMAILS if they could possibly do so...Well, I'd say that is some pretty solid evidence pointing to shared 'intent', or what is called in legal speak, 'A GUILTY MIND'."

5 07, 2017


By |2017-07-05T06:06:19-07:00July 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"There must be many honorable Republicans who right about now are doing some serious re-evaluating of their bad judgment...who right about now, if they have an ounce of good character deep down, have to be realizing they cannot continue to look the other way regarding how dangerous and embarrassing Trump's irresponsible behavior is, not only to their party, but to the nation in general...Trump's ignorant, low character "we don't care if he shoots someone in the street" base notwithstanding, it feels like it is a matter of weeks, maybe a couple months now, before this corrupt disgrace of a man will likely be forced to resign as a result of his obvious unstable and unfit mental state."

29 06, 2017


By |2017-06-29T22:27:34-07:00June 29th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Seeing and hearing this emphasis from Trump, regularly attacking the news reporters as 'fake news' who expose his fraudulent behavior, only serves to place a MAGNIFYING GLASS on his giant con game and avalanche of hypocrisy, as we find out he has been placing fake new covers of himself on Time Magazine prominently on the walls of his private golf clubs, in an apparent effort to add to the false FAKE IMAGE of his 'success'."

26 05, 2017

Republicans Not Only Ones With Growing Cancer In Their Party

By |2017-05-26T20:12:34-07:00May 26th, 2017|Politics|0 Comments

"So when you start to forget some of his many compounding lies as you encounter any Trump supporters who try to hit you with their inevitable and bewildering: "What proof do you have?", you can keep this as a reminder of the proof to refresh your memory (and their's) of most of the key corrupt Trump lies and cover up attempts taking place over the last few months that are perverting and disgracing the highest office of our land...Major proof of the actual crimes committed will be coming down the line, as the FBI has revealed that the investigation has expanded from initially just being a counter-intelligence investigation, to now being a full on criminal investigation. They have also revealed that it has expanded to specifically include a major focus on possible financial crimes and money-laundering."

15 05, 2017

The Self Destruction of a Dishonest President

By |2017-05-15T18:51:54-07:00May 15th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Secondly, Trump revealed in that NBC interview that his reason absolutely was motivated primarily by his anger regarding what he tried to call a "hoax" of an investigation into his campaign's possible connections to Russia. Amazingly, this is an admission of committing what is called "obstruction of justice"...Understand this important point: When you admit that your fundamental reason behind firing the top law enforcement investigator who is investigating you is that you didn't like what he was investigating and considered it bull sh#t or a 'hoax', you have admitted that you obstructed justice. Republicans continue to just ignore this truth, which is simply unbelievable."

2 05, 2017

Trump’s Own Words Sum Up His Incompetent First 100 Days

By |2017-05-02T18:11:53-07:00May 2nd, 2017|Donald Trump, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Another thing I've noticed from his deeply character-challenged supporters is how much they love to try to rub his election in everyone elses face, saying 'Democrats just can't believe he beat Hillary!' No, what Democrats can't believe is NOT that Hillary lost...What Democrats AND many Republicans are shocked by is that so many of you were either that low character or that easily gas lit and fooled by such a gigantic orange reality show con artist. We were shocked that there was that degree of national ugliness, combined with mind-blowing stupidity and ignorance...We were shocked that those things could still be so prevalent in our communities across this country today."

25 04, 2017

What Are We? The “Mother of all PEACE” or the “Mother of all WAR?”

By |2017-04-25T05:26:10-07:00April 25th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"The solution is NOT to keep ramping up the nuclear war rhetoric! There are many of us who know how creating peace INSTEAD of maintaining permanent enemies can be accomplished with our diverse brothers and sisters on this planet. The PROBLEM is, those of us who know how to approach WORLD FRIENDSHIP and help to create it, are prevented from having that opportunity by the powers that be, whose selfish profiteering, world domination agenda stands to be JEOPARDIZED and DEFEATED from such a world peace leadership model."

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