3 12, 2015

Unethical U.S. Culture Primary Cause of Mass Shootings

By |2015-12-03T19:08:05-08:00December 3rd, 2015|Gun Violence, School shootings, society|0 Comments

"the solution or overall 'panacea' to addressing the growing violence and number of mass shootings in the United States is not found with "gun control" per se. That is not the angle I am coming from here whatsoever. I don't meant to over-generalize, but we don't address the issue of violent road rage by suggesting we stop selling cars, etc. The source of the problem that is SCREAMING to be addressed today is the underlying lack of ethics and human/community values in our American culture that need have NOTHING to do with organized religion. Matter of fact it is critical that they do not. Please read on so that I can expound on why that is so important."

1 12, 2015

Healing a ‘POST-TRUTH’ World

By |2015-12-01T19:28:56-08:00December 1st, 2015|Politics|0 Comments

"Put another way...people behaving like SHEEP...That is what the institutions of power in society have always counted on to successfully gain and hold the power that religion and politics has had over the masses for centuries upon centuries...They count on the fact that people would rather conform and not question the propaganda their institution sells as "truth" as long as people can feel a certain sustained degree of security from such blind conformity...Ironically, those who crafted the man-made 'scriptures' of the Bible even brazenly used that very metaphor to describe their beautifully "blind believers", describing and referring to them as "sheep" and the church/priests as their "shepherds"

17 11, 2015

Finding Healing You Need in a Scary World

By |2015-11-17T20:48:56-08:00November 17th, 2015|Uncategorized|1 Comment

"If you embrace a belief that you can withhold forgiveness from anyone, you are withholding forgiveness for yourself. If you embrace the Christian teaching that only those who believe like you are 'Children of God', and only they are forgiven, and those of other faiths are condemned...if you embrace that thought, you are condemning yourself and PREVENTING healing for yourself, creating and attracting a seriously unhealthy path for your life."

16 11, 2015

Man-Made Religious Ideology Not Just Problem with Islam

By |2015-11-16T22:40:34-08:00November 16th, 2015|culture, Politics|0 Comments

"We can't ignore that WE, the United States, largely fueled by a Conservative presidency at the time (George W. Bush) and his Christian and Jewish constituency and advisers, continued a long legacy of undermining and attacking Islam...specifically Iraq and Afghanistan. Our actions were the metaphorical equivalent of your child being stung by a couple of hornets, and you get so angry that you decide to take a broomstick and SWAT the hornet's nest a dozen times. After doing so, you hypocritically exclaim to all your neighbors' horribly stung children that you did so because it was time to "BRING IT ON", etc.(The words George W. Bush famously said after our invasion of Iraq)"

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