3 02, 2020


By |2020-02-03T23:17:43-08:00February 3rd, 2020|Donald Trump, Politics, Trump|0 Comments

"We must wake up now and realize these are elected officials who are NOT acting from their loyalty to their oath to the Constitution...They are NOT acting as your trusted elected representatives...they are acting as Trump's obedient 'lap dogs' and 'cult representatives'...The Senate is now actively and aggressively ENABLING and PROTECTING someone who is a huge sell out to, and who has repeatedly acted specifically IN THE INTEREST OF, one of our arch adversaries, Russian President Vladamir Putin, while simultaneously SHAMING ALL of our nation's intelligence agencies who were warning him about Russia's active threats."

27 01, 2020

Republican Party Not Unique With Its Growing & Dangerous “Cult” Aspect

By |2020-01-27T07:27:31-08:00January 27th, 2020|Donald Trump, Politics, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"The Trump Cult Party and all their evangelical hypocritical CHRISTIANS don’t care that Trump lies…as a matter of fact, in the Trump Cult Party, just like in Christianity, the TRUTH isn’t what makes you ‘credible’…What makes you ‘credible’ is CONFORMITY… What makes you credible is entirely about LOYALTY, not honesty...It's all about conformity and loyalty to the Trump Cult Party agenda. That is how Trump supporting Republicans define ‘credibility’ in this sick POST TRUTH culture we live in here in the U.S."

6 08, 2019

Great Freedom Requires Great Responsibility (AND ACCOUNTABILITY)

By |2019-08-06T23:50:08-07:00August 6th, 2019|Donald Trump, Mueller Report, Politics, Trump|0 Comments

"I'm amazed at the number of people I encounter who are going about their lives acting as though they don't see the extreme degree of corruption and racism that has been allowed to occupy the highest office of our land. I'm amazed at the apathy I see from so many people. People like to say, "I don't care, I'm not into 'politics'! Hmmm...Are you into 'MORALITY' and 'ETHICS'? Because it sounds to me, when someone reacts to what we are witnessing by saying 'I'm not into politics', that what they are really saying is, "I'm into looking the other way"

22 04, 2019

My Notes Re: The Mueller Report, and a Moving Anecdote from an Emotional Foreigner I Interviewed for my TV Show in Sacramento…

By |2019-04-22T04:45:18-07:00April 22nd, 2019|Donald Trump, Mueller Report, Politics|0 Comments

"I've compiled some initial summarizing notes re: the Mueller report, with some of the most pertinent quotes from Mueller that are very damning, and detail Mueller's belief that the President's conduct was in his word's a 'corrupt abuse of the powers of the office'."

12 02, 2019

Senator Klobuchar: ‘Tough & Gritty’ or Just a Really Bad Hostess?

By |2019-02-12T06:40:14-08:00February 12th, 2019|Comedy, Donald Trump, Politics, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Good grief, the lengths a gal has to go to, just to distinguish herself today in our 'United States of Reality TV'...And the challenge for parents in her audience! Because despite the free cookies and hot chocolate, there's a limit to how long you can keep your kids' minds off of the fact that they can't feel their faces, hands or feet by keeping them singing tunes from their favorite movie 'Frozen' ."

27 05, 2018

“Citizen Control” Is Change Needed for Modern Policing Today

By |2018-05-27T21:25:29-07:00May 27th, 2018|Donald Trump, police|0 Comments

"The new model must teach officers that there is no distinction...that working in law enforcement, they did not move into a status of 'non-civilian'. The mindset that one is not a civilian is actually coming from a MILITARY mindset completely. And we know that our nation's constitution specifically mandates that the police are NOT the military, and as such they are properly categorized as 'civilians' hired to serve as peace keepers for their fellow civilians...But this proper mindset was compromised a long time ago when those in law enforcement began to try to brand themselves as APART FROM the citizenry, and began appropriating a title to refer to themselves like the military, that delineated them as 'NON-CIVILIANS', etc. That should never have been allowed to happen."

14 10, 2017


By |2017-10-14T19:55:12-07:00October 14th, 2017|Donald Trump, Gun Violence, Politics, race, society|0 Comments

"The 'NIMBY' (not in my backyard) angry denigrating of the homeless in Sacramento by individuals in practically every area of our town has been allowed to go unchecked for too long by city and county politicians. Too many of our elected leaders have historically been more worried about alienating voters in their districts on this issue, than leading with the necessary solutions the majority of citizens know are critical and necessary to properly deal with the homeless epidemic we are facing."

2 05, 2017

Trump’s Own Words Sum Up His Incompetent First 100 Days

By |2017-05-02T18:11:53-07:00May 2nd, 2017|Donald Trump, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Another thing I've noticed from his deeply character-challenged supporters is how much they love to try to rub his election in everyone elses face, saying 'Democrats just can't believe he beat Hillary!' No, what Democrats can't believe is NOT that Hillary lost...What Democrats AND many Republicans are shocked by is that so many of you were either that low character or that easily gas lit and fooled by such a gigantic orange reality show con artist. We were shocked that there was that degree of national ugliness, combined with mind-blowing stupidity and ignorance...We were shocked that those things could still be so prevalent in our communities across this country today."

1 02, 2017

Trump and Steve Bannon: Dangerous Corruption That is OFF THE SCALE

By |2017-02-01T21:38:15-08:00February 1st, 2017|Donald Trump, Politics, Steve Bannon|0 Comments

"Like the famous expression goes by Irish political philosopher Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men (and women) to do (and say) NOTHING." That means all the time in your daily lives, wherever you are, including Facebook and social media, now more than ever. And by the way, if Burke were here today, he would make Steve Bannon his b#tch in a heartbeat. Did that offend you? Good."

1 11, 2016

Intellectual Honesty Missing on BOTH SIDES of Party Aisle

By |2016-11-01T20:50:17-07:00November 1st, 2016|Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Politics|0 Comments

"EVEN IF the results were innocuous and there were no classified materials or evidence of Clinton Foundation corruption found, the huge appearance would be that Comey was helping Hillary avoid the fallout with voters by his omission of this continuing of the investigation that he had previously sworn was completely finished... Of course, this is just if we are being intellectually honest. If we are throwing honesty out the window in the interest of "PARTISAN DISHONESTY", then as Progressives we are just as guilty as many on the Conservative Right, who practice ZERO intellectual honesty as they ignore all the bigotry, sick vulgarity, racism and bad character of Donald Trump."

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