12 11, 2016

Colin Kaepernick-Type Ignorance Cost Hillary the Election

By |2016-11-12T06:28:13-08:00November 12th, 2016|Politics|0 Comments

"We can start this movement, this rejection and repudiation of this disgrace of an excuse for a President, by simply REFUSING to ever refer to him as President for the next 4 years...Let's not even give him that honor. We just refer to him as "Mr. Trump". (This will drive his ego bat sh#t crazier than it already is, and it will drive his supporters even crazier)"

1 11, 2016

Intellectual Honesty Missing on BOTH SIDES of Party Aisle

By |2016-11-01T20:50:17-07:00November 1st, 2016|Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Politics|0 Comments

"EVEN IF the results were innocuous and there were no classified materials or evidence of Clinton Foundation corruption found, the huge appearance would be that Comey was helping Hillary avoid the fallout with voters by his omission of this continuing of the investigation that he had previously sworn was completely finished... Of course, this is just if we are being intellectually honest. If we are throwing honesty out the window in the interest of "PARTISAN DISHONESTY", then as Progressives we are just as guilty as many on the Conservative Right, who practice ZERO intellectual honesty as they ignore all the bigotry, sick vulgarity, racism and bad character of Donald Trump."

23 08, 2016

Trump’s New Fox Network Reality Show: “KU KLUX KLAN HAS TALENT”

By |2016-08-23T20:31:28-07:00August 23rd, 2016|Politics|0 Comments

"He (Trump) is convinced that you haven't been paying attention, and that he can now shift gears, re-write his con act, while giving a nod and a wink to those angry white voters who will understand that he has unfortunately no choice now but to PRETEND that he cares about minorities, in order to make up for his huge losing deficit in the polls."

5 08, 2016

Why the “ANGRY WHITE MALE VOTER” Seals Trump’s Fate

By |2016-08-05T22:20:38-07:00August 5th, 2016|Politics|0 Comments

"But the truth is, Trump is so clearly hateful and toxic to the majority of a very diverse cross section of Americans, that he is going to lose by a very large margin, probably more than 10 points in November...As I headed my last oped, DON'T BE THE EMBARRASSED IDIOT who has to spend the rest of your life ashamed to admit you were one of the low class, low character individuals who supported such an angry, hateful, race-baiting candidate. It will speak volumes more about YOU for doing so, than about Trump. He is just a con-artist, very adept at telling hateful people like you what you WANTED TO HEAR!"

31 07, 2016

Don’t Be The Embarrassed TRUMP VOTER For Rest of Your Life

By |2016-07-31T20:50:20-07:00July 31st, 2016|Politics|0 Comments

"It says something much more damning about YOU, when you as an American voter overlook such consistently ugly, corrupt facts about someone, and choose to support them like they are the "Second Coming". You aren't doing so unaware...You are aligning yourself with those same extremely corrupt, UNAMERICAN, UNDEMOCRATIC, lack of character qualities."

6 04, 2016

“Pie-O-Matic” Deal with Hillary Could Unite Country

By |2016-04-06T21:45:42-07:00April 6th, 2016|Politics, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"So I've been thinking a lot about this, and I came to the conclusion that it may be in America's overall interest to make a "DEAL" with Hillary. Since we know our nation can't afford to elect a "Carrot Top Jack in the Box" for Prez (Donald Trump), and since it is looking more and more like it may be inevitable that she becomes our next President, I suggest we get out in front of that likely outcome with special American proposal for Hillary..."

13 03, 2016

Trump: ‘Prejudicial’ Not ‘Presidential’

By |2016-03-13T22:19:27-07:00March 13th, 2016|Politics, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"That Trump's daughter Ivanka has to remind her reality show con man of a father to ACT Presidential is very revealing in and of itself. And speaking of con-artists, that is exactly what kind of person it would take to pull off 'acting Presidential' with so much prejudicial character and toxic energy...It takes quite a 'con game'...quite an 'art of the deal', to use his own words."

12 03, 2016

Ben Carson’s Trump Endorsement = “Character Suicide”

By |2016-03-12T06:21:10-08:00March 12th, 2016|Politics|0 Comments

"All I can think is that Dr. Carson is shamefully selling out to Trump and kissing his ring because he has been led to believe Trump is going to offer him a position in his administration...For Carson's sake, he better hope that position is not the "WHITE HOUSE ______." Sorry, even in proper context, I just can't bring myself to use that word...it is just too repulsive...so let's replace it with White House 'BUTLER'."

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