13 05, 2020

Time to Collectively Take Off Our ‘LEASHES’ and Put Them On the Elite 1% WHERE THEY BELONG!

By |2020-05-13T23:44:32-07:00May 13th, 2020|Artificial Intelligence, Corona Virus, Election, pandemic, Politics, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"WE THE PEOPLE as the 99%, we have forgotten that we have the power.The constitution guarantees it from the very first line 'We the People of the United States'...It doesn't say 'We the CORPORATIONS'. And it is time NOW, for us to rise up together, use that power, and TAKE OFF OUR LEASHES (or our cloth masks, a psychological leash) and instead PUT THOSE LEASHES ON THE 1% WHERE THEY HAVE ALWAYS BELONGED!...The 1% is behind all of this unnecessary panic and fear, created by their dutiful left wing media and politicians for an agenda of growing social control of our society... If we don't stand up soon to take back the American Dream, at a certain point it will become too late, and we will remain in an American Nightmare, hopelessly in servitude and dependence on these monopoly corporations, just as their predatory, "A.I." Big Tech agenda has intended all along. This is not the free market capitalism our forefathers intended for us...You know this deep in your heart."

10 05, 2020

Yet Another World Renown Epidemiologist Confirming Covid-19 Death Rate Comparable to the Flu, as I have Said From the Start

By |2020-05-10T00:39:05-07:00May 10th, 2020|Corona Virus, Dr. Fauci, pandemic, society, Uncategorized, Wuhan lab|0 Comments

"When I say that we have been lied to, I am not saying that there isn't a newly developed strain of coronavirus that we could find ourselves exposed to. I am saying the dishonest 'reality show media' has falsely characterized it as a 'killer plague', in order to paralyze the world with fear for a specific agenda of political and social control, when all the top experts, including even the CDC and the W.H.O. have said all along that the vast majority of people who catch the virus will have mild symptoms of the flu or a cold, and most won't even know they had it! The truths I have been exposing in all of my writing and coverage on my monthly cable show has NEVER had anything to do with not taking REASONABLE caution. But reasonable caution is NOT shutting the country down, and refusing to be around other people at a reasonable distance."

9 05, 2020

Corrupt Corporate & Media Agenda Behind Coronavirus HYPE Causing Many Americans to Begin to WAKE UP

By |2020-05-09T01:19:22-07:00May 9th, 2020|Artificial Intelligence, Corona Virus, pandemic, society, technology, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Many of you are starting to realize that you have lost sight of what has REAL VALUE IN LIFE...that the real value of being human IS found in the daily personal connections, social interactions and community sustaining small business transactions in the local 'village square marketplace' as it were... The real value of being human is in NOT being so ruled by unreasonable fear over a flu-like virus that we shun one another, see our fellow man almost like 'walkers' from "The Walking Dead", and think we must hide in our homes, only socializing with our family or closest friends. Many of you are at last realizing that it is time for you to STOP participating in, or at least 'looking the other way' while this system has been aggressively destroying small community 'mom and pop' businesses like they were some evil, communist threat to our nation, when the opposite is in fact the case!"

4 05, 2020

Dark Agenda Behind Corona “PANIC-DEMIC”…And NEWSWEEK Reports Dr. Fauci FUNDED Wuhan Lab Coronavirus Manipulation Research Over LAST SIX YEARS with 7.4 Million Tax Payer Dollars!

By |2020-05-04T23:01:01-07:00May 4th, 2020|Corona Virus, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"FREEDOM & RISK...They are unseparable. You cannot have one without the other. The elite “1%” agenda behind what we are currently witnessing involves ‘Big Insurance’ and their likeminded monopoly partners, seeking to have massive control of BOTH! Big Insurance is, as you know, first and foremost in the business of CONTROLLING RISK…Part of the dark agenda at play behind the scenes right now involves the elite uber-corporate powers that be seeking to falsely manufacture such widespread panic and fear, that the general public will not resist, but will sheepishly INVITE less freedom and privacy for themselves, in return for a ‘PERCEPTION OF PROTECTION’ "

25 04, 2020

ANOTHER Random Sample Study by USC CONFIRMS Corona Infection Cases in Los Angeles at least 20 to 30 Times HIGHER, Showing Fatality Rate MUCH LOWER, Comparable to FLU

By |2020-04-25T23:05:22-07:00April 25th, 2020|antibody testing, Corona Virus, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Just like the Stanford random sample study by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. John Ioannidis I recently wrote about in my last article, here we have a second 'maverick' random sample testing revealing similar results, showing that the Corona virus has a mortality rate similar to or even LOWER than the flu virus, with an infection rate in Los Angeles at least 10 to 20 times HIGHER than the current reported number!"

21 04, 2020

Random Sample Testing by Stanford University Showing Corona Fatality Rate Exponentially LOWER, Comparable to FLU

By |2020-04-21T04:20:15-07:00April 21st, 2020|Corona Virus, pandemic, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Early serological random sampling is showing that likely MANY MILLIONS of Americans…Likely HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS WORLDWIDE have had Covid-19 and didn’t realize it, and have recovered from it…This means the NUMBER OF CASES IS HIGHER BY MULTIPLE ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE (One 'order of magnitude' means 10X's)…As I have said before, you will continue to see this confirmed in the weeks to come, and this means this WAS NOT the horrible 'plague' that it was hyped to be...It means that our nation and the world is being lied to about the grossly exaggerated mortality rate of the virus for some underlying agenda that has been used and will likely continue to be used as an excuse to limit our precious civil liberties"

16 04, 2020

Dr. Fauci, in Leading Med Journal, Says OPPOSITE of What He Routinely Says In Media on the Fatality Rate of Covid-19

By |2020-04-16T22:56:15-07:00April 16th, 2020|Corona Virus, Donald Trump, pandemic, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"This critical detail, if it was not just mentioned briefly in a scientific medical journal, but routinely shared with the public in Fauci's media appearances, would not only have responsibly and appropriately calmed Americans' fears, but would have helped to keep their eyes open, and protect them from a more serious 'contagion'...That critical public understanding would have helped immunize and protect Americans' from a MUCH more serious 'infection', that being the monumental degree of reckless exaggeration by the media, often due to a built in political agenda to create unnecessary panic about the threat of the virus."

12 04, 2020


By |2020-04-12T00:07:14-07:00April 12th, 2020|Corona Virus|0 Comments

"Like many of you, I am a Democrat. That said, I can clearly see what is destroying this nation from the inside...And what is destroying this nation from the inside is NOT ONLY coming from the Trump Cult on the Right. That being the case, I don't care that many of you do not find the ethical, straightforward FACTS I always present to be 'popular' with your Left-wing narrative. MUCH about that Left wing narrative is just as corrupt, unethical and dangerous for our country as the corrupt Right wing popular narrative I rail against routinely! The truth is somewhere in the intellectually honest MIDDLE."

2 04, 2020

Fact Checking the UNNECESSARY HYSTERIA Created by the Media Over Covid-19

By |2020-04-02T08:44:39-07:00April 2nd, 2020|Corona Virus|0 Comments

"There is a big difference between the word 'hoax' and the word 'hype'. Obviously the novel Corona virus is real and is not any kind of 'hoax'. But it IS being massively HYPED in a huge way by the media right now as part of a political agenda, and there's no excuse for it. There's also no excuse for the threat that hype and manufactured hysteria is becoming to Americans' precious freedom and independence, both social and economic. "

21 03, 2020

Corona Virus: Media HYPE creates HYSTERIA more than a ‘HOAX’

By |2020-03-21T00:25:59-07:00March 21st, 2020|Corona Virus, Donald Trump, science|0 Comments

"I'm going to be hitting you with true REALITY and FACTS here about the Corona Flu - because that is ALL that it is - as opposed to the media's newest reality show "CORONA SURVIVOR" that they are shamefully broadcasting 24/7. So if this brings you down from your "FEAR HIGH" that you are craving to be satisfied, TOO BAD!...While it is so blatantly obvious that the media is hyping this 'corona virus' topic for maximum ratings, what is really more concerning in the bigger picture is the degree to which so many people allow themselves to be 'infected' with that hype..."

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